Your Coach

Florentine Peralta, MA

Florentine studied the Ancient Knowledge directly from Sri Kaleshwar in his ashram in India, and has experienced first hand the power and miraculous healing results of his meditation practices—in her own life, and in her work with women and mothers.

She started her path as a healer, counselor and spiritual teacher for women 20 years ago in Vienna/Austria, with extensive training and experience in Eastern Spirituality as well as Western Psychology.

Her aim is supporting and empowering women to bring up their inner light—the Divine Feminine within.

She lives with her husband and two children in California.

Languages: English and German

Women are goddesses, directly connected to the Source of all Creation, the energy of the Divine Mother. But many don’t realize the incredible light and beauty within, which is often covered by pain and negative (self) thinking.

As women and mothers we need to heal and empower ourselves, so we can rise up to who we are meant to be: powerful healers and creators of a better world. Changing our limiting beliefs and honoring our unique gifts we bring to the world is an important part of that process.

Sri Kaleshwar was a “Divine Feminist”, deeply respecting women as the future leaders in spirituality. He taught powerful Ancient knowledge and spiritual practices supporting women, mothers and children, and healthy relationships.

In this coaching you will learn how to:
  • Raise the Divine Feminine Energy in you and unfold your true potential
  • Clear and balance your energy
  • Love and forgive yourself (and others)
  • Increase your soul-light and inner clarity
  • Empower your Womb Chakra (our “creation chakra”)
  • Create a healthy and balanced soul-mate-relationship with your partner
  • Heal old wounds, childhood and ancestral pain
  • Set healthy energetic boundaries and protection circles for yourself
  • Change negative beliefs and raise your divine consciousness
  • Listen to your heart and soul instead of your mind
  • Release emotional blockages (unworthiness, self-doubts, self-judgements,...)
  • Heal, empower and bless your children of all ages (starting in the womb)

"Florentine thank you so much... you make my heart so happy! I so appreciate all of your insights, it has all been so meaningful to my life. I am so thankful the Divine has brought us together and that you are here and guiding me to do this work. This has been my prayer/mantra, always but especially recently, Mother, please help me to be who you want me to be so I can serve the world how I am meant to. Thank you thank you for doing what you do and for your love and support. Love you! Jai Ma!" ~ Elyse M.

To schedule your free discovery call, please fill out the form below and you'll receive instructions for that process.

Coaching sessions with Florentine: $108 per hour

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon submitting the form above, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your discovery call.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase a single session or choose one of many subscription options. You and your coach will find a plan together that suits your coaching needs.